The Ecuadorian System of Education for Sustainable Development has 18 lines of action that seek the formation of environmentally and socially responsible citizens, thus seeking to reach more than 4 million students by 2030.

After signing the Pact for Education for Sustainable Development, an agreement that makes Ecuador a pioneer in the quest to establish Education for Sustainable Development as public policy.
The Ministry of Environment and Water promoted the implementation of the National Strategy for Environmental Education, which is the basis for the construction of the proposal called "Ecuadorian System of Education for Sustainable Development - SEEDS", which focuses on strengthening knowledge, skills, values and attitudes, both individual and collective, of the educational community, which will reach more than 4 million students nationwide and around 200,000 teachers in the country.
The importance of education for sustainable development and how this process promotes an education for life, an education that seeks a balance between environmental, social and economic aspects, is emphasized. We cannot speak of education for sustainable development if we do not consider environmental education as a vital management and training tool, especially for our children and young people.
The Ministry of Education executes the Environmental Education Program for Sustainable Development, committed to working together to strengthen and implement the Pact, to promote the formation of environmentally and socially responsible citizens.
Alliances: Ministry of Environment and Water, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, the Student Green Movement Network MOVE and the Yo Siembro initiative, with the support of the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja and UNESCO in Ecuador and representative for Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela as a witness of honor.