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Ecological enterprise
“Ayana” is the name of the Ecological enterprise of the Ayampe School, where girls and boys from 6th and 7th grade with the help of their mothers and teachers make artisan soaps, in order to promote the consumption of products that do not contaminate the waters and in turn generate income for your school.
All Soaps are made with high quality natural ingredients ( medicinal plants from the school garden).
No additives or preservatives
Ethical production
Ingredients: 100% vegetable glycerin, oil coconut (Ayamcoco), Essential oil (Neem, Palo Santo, Moringa).
Depending on the needs of the clients we can adapt the sizes, presentations and ingredients.
(Merchandising for companies, hotels, events, gifts, etc).
To request the product catalog, quotation and orders please write to

Throughout the process the students are acquiring various skills both personally, socially and with the environment; as well as initiative, innovation, responsibility, teamwork and environmental awareness.
This experience provides the necessary tools to create green and responsible businesses that promote sustainable business and community development.
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